Put the Fun Back Into Your Workout

Have you noticed that lately, working out has become, well, work? You aren't alone. Even though working out is essential for a Skinnygirl’s well-being, it can be hard to look at it as more than a chore. Don't be afraid to loosen up and put the fun back into your exercise routine!

Skip the gym. Are you in a rut with your gym routine? Skip it and enjoy your workout in a different place for a change. Are you more likely to enjoy a run outside in the evening air? What about a yoga class or a swim in the pool? Remember, you don't have to be a slave to your gym, especially if it has become monotonous. Replacing your usual workout with enjoyable exercise several times a week can help keep you in shape and in the exercise habit!

Find a friend. There's something soothing and relaxing about running along with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company. Sometimes, that is. Other times, working out with a friend can actually increase your motivation and help you meet your exercise goals. Look for the right friend: motivated, active, encouraging, of a similar athletic ability, and committed. Together, you two can do anything when you work out together.

Take a class. Are you convinced that exercise classes aren't for you? Think again. Signing up for a class that you're interested in or will enjoy can actually help you get to the gym on a regular basis. Have you always wanted to try pole dancing but you've never had the nerve? Try it today! Classes can push your workout to a new level. In addition, you'll be less likely to call it quits if you sign up and pay for a class in advance.

Change your schedule. Are you working out instead of watching your favorite television show? Does your exercise routine necessitate an early wake-up, when you're already not a morning person? Changing your workout schedule can positively impact your entire exercise regimen, as well as your day. If you desperately need to unwind after work, don't force yourself to head to the gym or workout. You won't enjoy it (and as a result, won't get as much out of it).

Mix it up a little. One activity one day and another the next can keep you interested in your workout regimen. As an added bonus, you'll work out different parts of your body as you alternate cardiovascular workouts with weight training, maximizing your body's fitness potential.

As Skinnygirls, we know that being healthy is key to a balanced but on-the-go lifestyle. So remember, your workout doesn't have to be a bore (or a chore)! If you create a fun exercise routine, you'll see and feel the benefits, and be encouraged to stay with it!


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