How to Throw a Red Carpet Party at Home

The holidays may be over, but don’t fret Skinnygirls. Another season of gatherings and clinking cocktails is upon us. And while it may not include Christmas carols and ornaments, it does include designer gowns and golden statues.

That’s right: Awards Season is here! And it’s safe to say we might be just a little excited. Assuming you’re just as giddy as we are about seeing Charlize, Meryl and Rooney rock the red carpet (and even more pumped to see what they’re wearing!), it’s time to plan your next at-home shindig to celebrate.

Get Glam Celebrities aren’t the only ones allowed to get gorgeous. Kindly request a “Red Carpet Dress Code” for your at-home fete, to bring out that Hollywood spirit in all of your friends. Can’t afford the designer duds? Don’t fret. RentTheRunway, an online designer dress store has rentable couture dresses starting at just $50. Because when you look good, you feel good. Just ask Charlize.

Quiz Show Maybe you saw all this year’s nominated films. Maybe you didn’t. Whether you’re an “educated-guesser”, a film buff or simply a fierce competitor, bringing a little bit of trivia to your shindig will no doubt bring the fun. Start with the Golden Globes, and make it a tradition all awards season long. May we suggest picking up an extra bottle of Skinnygirl as the winning “prize”? Warning: if you do, be prepared for everyone at your party to turn a little bit more competitive.

A Sparkling Toast No Hollywood-caliber event is complete without some bubbly. And in our opinion, no event (of any kind) is complete without some Skinnygirl. Serve the best of both worlds with our Awards Season spin on Bethenny’s New Year’s recipe: Fill champagne flutes with Skinnygirl White Cranberry Cosmo, swap the sparkling soda for some sparkling wine and instead of pomegranate seeds, garnish with some golden raspberries. We’d like to thank the Academy…we mean…Bethenny.


Sometimes it's okay to ask a lady her age

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