As personal and professional commitments pile up, having it all may seem well beyond your reach. But help is on the way! Employ these tactics to steady the work-play pendulum...

As personal and professional commitments pile up, having it all may seem well beyond your reach. But help is on the way! Employ these tactics to steady the work-play pendulum.



Assess how you spend your day, and look for ways to operate more efficiently. Shop and prepare meals at the beginning of the week to avoid multiple trips to the grocery store and decrease your likelihood of splurging on less-healthy grub on the way home. Good for the waistline and the wallet!



Evaluate what matters most, and focus on your top 2-3 items. Decorate your workspace with family photos or vision boards of your dream vacation. These feel-good images will remind you why you work so hard, especially on hectic days. 



Embrace the art of saying no. You can’t do it all, try as you might. Instead, prioritize and only commit to the things – and people – that enrich your life. 



With portable technology at our fingertips, switching out of office mode during off hours is no easy task. But you can control how you conduct business on your home turf. Designate specific hours and a space and stick to it. Consult your gadgets once every hour or two – if you must -- and be present with friends and family otherwise. Take a tech timeout, especially when you head to bed. Laptops in the bedroom? Not sexy, ladies!



Build and nurture a strong support network, so when work and home needs conflict and overwhelm, you can call for backup. Coordinate with pals who have pets or kids, so you can cover for each other. And don’t be afraid to be honest and ask for help. We’re mere mortals, not superheroes! 



Don’t neglect the basics: get plenty of rest, eat well and exercise. Need motivation? Get your friends in on the action. Pre-pay for classes to up your chances of attending and invite a pal, hike with your partner to recharge or throw cooking parties. And indulge in what you love – relaxing in a candlelit bath, devouring the latest trashy novel and of course sipping on Skinnygirl® Cocktails! 


Here’s to a happy, healthy, balanced you.

A Lady Always Drinks Responsibly™ ©2012 Skinnygirl Cocktails, Deerfield, IL; Avg. Analysis: All Products: Protein 0g, Fat 0g; Vodka with Natural Flavors (per 1.5 oz.): Calories 75.8, Carbs 0g; Cocktails (per 1.5 oz.): Calories 35.5, Carbs 1.8g; Sangria (per 5 oz.): Calories 132, Carbs 22.5g; Wine (per 5 oz.): Calories 100, Carbs 5g







Sometimes it's okay to ask a lady her age

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