Healthy Resolutions for the New Year

The New Year provides the push that many individuals need to make positive changes in their lives. What healthy New Year's resolutions have you considered making in 2012? These might just give you some ideas on your way to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Wash your face every night. Do a hectic day and a late night get in the way of your beauty regimen? You'll regret it if you don't make time to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Commit to washing your face with a specially-formulated facial soap every night in the New Year.

Schedule a monthly manicure/pedicure. Don't forget to take care of your hands and feet in 2012. Healthy cuticles, smooth skin, and pretty nails are a must for the modern woman. The relaxation you get from an hour or so to yourself during a manicure/pedicure is also worth its weight in gold.

Try a new class at the gym. Resolve to try at least half a dozen new classes at your gym in the New Year. Do you usually shy away from the group workout?s This can be your opportunity to try something new and break out of your shell.

Pay attention to your hands. Washing your hands on a regular basis throughout the day can help stop the spread of germs. Keeping your hands away from your face, which most people touch constantly all day long, can also help keep you healthy in the New Year.

Do something active every day. Find one way that you can increase your activity level every day. Even if it just means that you park at the back of the parking lot and walk to the door, instead of hunting for the closest space, the small amount of extra activity can go a long way.

Put away a dollar a day. Don't forget your financial health in the New Year, too. Make it a point to put away a dollar a day. Whether you're saving for a rainy day or retirement, every penny counts.

Play with the children. Resolve to get down on the floor and actually play with your kids in 2012. Don't have kids of your own? Make more time for your nieces, nephews, or neighbor's kids. Playing games, building with blocks, or coloring can help you stay and feel young, even if it's only at heart.

Read a book. Pick at least six books you'd like to read in the New Year. Choose three classics, one or two from the bestseller list, and one that you want to read "just because." Nurture your intellectual side and keep your mind healthy, too.

These eight tips can help you on your way to making 2012 your healthiest (and happiest) year yet!

Content by Kelly Herdrich.


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