Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season

The holiday season can be many things. You may feel that things are hectic, you're in a hurry, and that there simply isn't enough time in the day. No matter how much you enjoy the holiday season, there are likely still moments that you feel like things have gotten out of control. How can you guarantee yourself a happy, healthy holiday season that exceeds your expectations?

1. Plan a date night with your spouse. Hire a babysitter for your children. Plan a date night with your spouse that doesn't involve holiday shopping, crowds at the mall, or a work event that you need to attend. Making time for your spouse and focusing on your relationship can help you make it through the holiday season with your sanity. The little extra attention to your marriage doesn't hurt, either.

2. Make time for a run or a visit to the gym. Working out may be the last thing on your mind when your to-do list is a mile long. That's the best time to go to the gym or head out for a run. Exercise can help you clear your mind, get organized, and feel better about the tasks that you have at hand. Your endorphins are up after you exercise. You may even be more productive than you would without that workout under your belt.

3. Shop online. Online shopping can help you save time, energy, and your sanity this holiday season. There's something to be said for browsing the aisles and picking out that perfect gift. Don't give that practice up altogether. When you have a detailed shopping list, however, you can often find the best deals through online shopping. Not only that, but you avoid the crowded stores, where people aren't always in the holiday spirit. You'll be much happier when do some of your holiday shopping online.

4. Stick to your budget. You may love the smile on someone's face when you surprise them with something they've always wanted. That smile isn't worth it if it comes at the expense of your holiday budget. Set and stick to a shopping budget this holiday season. When the holidays have come and gone, you'll thank yourself that you didn't get carried away. The best gifts come from the heart - not the wallet.

5. Be a kid again. Children don't find the holidays stressful. Take a lesson from the little ones in your life this holiday season. What makes this time of year magical for them? Is it a visit with Santa Claus? Enjoy one together. Does ice skating put your children in the holiday spirit? Get out your skates, too. Read seasonal books, see a play, or look through the toy catalog, earmarking the pages of your favorite toys.


Sometimes it's okay to ask a lady her age

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