Fun Ways to Workout Indoors

Don't use the cold weather outside as an excuse to sit inside and skip your regularly scheduled workout. While the gym is still a good option, the winter months provide a plethora of unique opportunities to workout indoors. So get up and get moving - these are some fun ways to workout indoors this winter!

1. Shop & Shape: Head to the mall and combine shopping with getting in shape this winter. Force yourself to walk one lap around the mall for every store you want to go into. Do one lap, hit one store. Do another lap, stop in the second store. Dying to stop in at a store for that must-have item? You'll be inspired to walk twice as fast to get there!

2. Dance Party: Whether you're playing a dancing game on your game station or inviting the neighbors over and cranking up the music, dancing is a great way to burn calories. Don't consider yourself to be the most coordinated or the best dancer? Don't worry! Make it a game and make it fun and you won't care how you look while you're doing it! Even dancing with your husband or your kids can help you stay fit.

3. Parent/Child Classes: If you're a parent, staying active with your kids is always a great way to stay in shape all year round. Enroll with your child in an indoor class during the winter months. It'll keep you on your toes! Find a parent and child gymnastics program. Not only will you be able to help your child learn to use a trampoline, bouncy castle, and work on their rock wall climbing skills, but you can get in on the fun, too. It's a unique and enjoyable workout that you can share with your child. You'll both love it.

4. Skating: You can ice skate both indoors and outdoors during the winter months. If that's not your thing, think about heading to a local roller skating rink instead. Ice and roller skating can both burn hundreds of calories. They get you off the treadmill and moving your whole body, and you'll be able to do some interesting people watching while re-living your youth.

Don't let the cold keep you on the couch this winter - get up and get moving!

Content by Kelly Herdrich


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