A Lady Always Prepares - Skinnygirl Cocktails Guide to Wedding Etiquette

Wedding Week is here! And while Skinnygirl® Cocktails certainly know how to say “Cheers!” and Drink Like a Lady™ at any special occasion, wedding season brings on a whole new host of questions (and rules), especially if you’re the bride-to-be. Having been to our fair share of bridal showers, bachelorette parties and, of course, weddings, we’ve learned the proper rules for gifts, invitations, thank-you notes and more. Here are a few burning questions you may have, and the Skinnygirl® Cocktails Rules that apply:

A Lady Delegates Responsibility: Who Should Plan My Wedding Shower and Bachelorette Party? Most typically sisters, aunts, friends of your mother’s, your fiancé’s aunts, or your bridesmaids would be responsible for planning a shower. Bridesmaids are also on the hook for planning your last fling before the ring. Because there are these responsibilities attached with standing by your side on your big day, remember that you are truly asking someone to be your bridesmaid. Sometimes time or money constraints can make it hard for someone to take on this role, so be as honest, understanding, and flexible as possible.

A Lady Shows Her Gratitude: Should I Get the Hostesses of My Shower a Gift? Yes, definitely! Typically, between 2-4 women will plan your shower and a $50 gift for each of them is completely appropriate to show your gratitude. A nice vase or handbag is always a great way to go – and of course, choosing the perfect Skinnygirl® Cocktail for each of your hosts is always a fun way to thank them as well as play up their individual style.

A Lady Acknowledges Her Gentlemen: Customize Your Cocktail Menu No matter how hard you try, your hubby-to-be probably won’t love the dainty details of wedding planning as much as you do. Instead of schlepping him to and from flower vendors and calligraphy appointments, get him involved in the cocktails! Or rather: your very own cocktails. When planning your menu, work with the catering team or mixologist of your venue to create a customized cocktail menu inspired by your relationship. Design a “His” cocktail using his favorite spirit, a “Hers” using your own (we recommend any of our delicious and easily mixable Vodkas with Natural Flavors) and an “Ours”, combining flavors and ingredients you both love. And don’t forget to get creative with your cocktail names… Perhaps your very own version of “Brangelina”?

A Lady Blends Comfort With Style: What To Give Your Bridesmaids (and Yourself!) On Your Big Day The day started at 9am with hair and make-up prepping in the bridal suite. Then off to the wedding for two hours of photos, a one-hour ceremony, post-ceremony photos and then the reception, where you plan to spend hours upon hours dancing the fairytale night away. It sounds like the most fun, fabulous night of your life (and it will be), but—let’s face it—by the end of the night, your feet won’t be so chipper. Treat your bridesmaids, your female guests and even your own pretty toes with a surprising but oh-so-welcome end of the night gift: flip-flops! As for presentation: put them in a white basket and tie them up with ribbon that match your wedding colors, or pick out fun colors and styles for your bridesmaids that match their unique personalities, or go all out by turning them into keepsakes with a monogram of your wedding date and a fun romantic quote. Who says being comfortable can’t be chic, playful, and most of all, memorable?

And remember, a Lady Drinks Responsibly…even on her “big day”. Cheers!

©2012 Skinnygirl Cocktails, Deerfield, IL; Avg. Analysis: All Products: Protein 0g, Fat 0g; Vodka with Natural Flavors (per 1.5 oz.): Calories 75.8, Carbs 0g; Cocktails (per 1.5 oz.): Calories 35.5, Carbs 1.8g; Sangria (per 5 oz.): Calories 132, Carbs 22.5g; Wine (per 5 oz.): Calories 100, Carbs 5g

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